Alkaline ionized water made using electrolysis produces a much smaller cluster of water molecules. Quoting Dr. Robert Young “Instead of a big water ball trying to penetrate into our cells, we now have a much smaller water ball entering our cells” to irrigate our entire cells network better and more effectively. It penetrates faster, bringing along the nutrients and oxygen needed by the cells, and more importantly, because of its permeability into our cells, it also helps to bring the toxins and the wastes out of our cells with greater effectiveness.
It is this unique property of the alkaline ionized water that enhances the operation of our immune system. The immune system refers to our body’s ability to fight disease and resist infection. Normally, when a virus enters the body, it creates toxins and wastes that travel in our blood. If these viruses are not combated quickly, we become ill. Drinking alkaline water helps send the antibodies created by our immune system quickly and effectively into our cells, combating these viruses and flushing them out just as quickly for removal and discharge out of our body system. So imagine how quickly we can recover from that cold virus when we drink alkaline water to boost our immunity!
Bob McCauley’s book “The Miraculous Properties of Ionized Water – The Definitive Guide to the World’s Healthiest Substance”.