Alkaline ionized water restores the balance of pH in our body!
acidic food
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Most of us tend to be over-acidic in our bodies…The food that we eat burns with oxygen in our cells to produce energy (metabolism). After burning, the food becomes acid waste, and the cells dump them into the bloodstream. Our body tries its best to get rid of these wastes through urination, respiration, and perspiration. Unfortunately, most of our bodies cannot get rid of all the waste as quickly as we wish.

Our lifestyle (lack of rest and exercise), diet (too many meats, processed foods, carbonated drinks, and alcohol), and polluted environment (with massive amounts of free radicals in the air and water) all contribute to the destruction of many of our healthy cells on a daily basis. If these wastes are not flushed out, they accumulate in our bodies.

Our blood and cells must always be slightly alkaline in order to survive. What happens when we generate an excessive amount of acid waste? To stay alive, the body does two things. To begin, it can draw on our body’s alkaline reserves, and the simplest way would be to “steal” calcium from our bones to neutralize the over-acid balance. Another option is to convert these acid wastes into solid wastes using our internal buffering system.

When these acid wastes solidify, they can be easily parked away without affecting the pH of the rest of the body. These acid wastes can be stored in a variety of locations, including body fat. Increased fat production may be caused by increased acid waste storage demands. As a result, fewer acid wastes and fats are required! You are about to discover that it is the acid, not the fats, that causes obesity. The quickest and most efficient way to alkalize our bodies is to drink alkaline ionized water.

We are meant to be alkaline on the inside of our bodies, which is why nutritionists and dietitians tell us to eat “vegetables and fruits daily!” “Alkaline foods are those that promote alkalinity in our bodies. To find out more about this topic, you can read Gary Tunsky’s book “The Battle for Health is Over pH: Life and Death Hangs in the Balance”.

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